Dec 9, 2008

still waiting

I am so proud of my baby Ryder. He did so good today. It boke my heart this morning when I watched him walk into the kitchen and go over to the pantry and say "peas!" fully expecting me to walk over and make him some oatmeal. oh it was sad. We did lots of distraction today. He FINIALLY got something to eat at 445 today. shew!!! He did excellent. He did a lot of sleeping. He has never just fallen asleep anywhere b/c he was tired. Usually he fights and fights and becomes a little monster but today... he fell asleep a few times. Between my mom and I we probably walked at least 5 miles around the halls waiting before and inbetween procedures. See pictures below of our walks. He eventually gave up and just laid back and enjoyed the ride and eventually fell asleep. oh and the red on his hands is from the wagon, not blood. His doctor called and said he would get the results in the morning and he'd call me then.... so, we wait........... patiently. and my mom drove me nuts like I suspected but I was still greatful that she was there.


IV bandage =(


Senter Girl said...

Poor little man! So sad!!

Anonymous said...

What a precious angel! Give him hugs and kisses from me! Yall are still in our prayers. Love ya!

christina said...

Guess it is only 4am your time so it will be awhile before you know anything- hurry up time! :) I hate it sometimes how my days begin 7 hrs before y'all's- a lot more waiting around!

Sue-Anne said...

Poor guy! no food until 445! That alone was probably horrible for him. Hopefully you get an answer so he (& you) don't have to go through anymore tests! Sorry to hear that your mom was bothering you, but you're right at least she was there with you.