Nov 19, 2008

Luke and Noah!

I used to nanny for a family in Highland park while I was in nursing school... their dad is the owner of 106.1 Kiss FM. AWESOME family. I learned a lot being with them and went through a really rough part of my life with them. They were with me through our wedding, my entire prengancy, Nursing school, some of Jeremiah's hospitalizations and just some tough times. Looking back at those times they sort of became my escape from life. Those boys sort of became like my boys/brothers b/c I was with them so so much. I just love them. They made me laugh so hard and in 2 seconds flat could make me so irritated. I started working for them about 2 months after I found out I was preggo. They got to see Ryder grow. When I got bigger they would love to feel Ryder move and would almost fight to feel. Noah, the youngest talked to Ryder through my mouth every day. It was so sweet. He would say. "Kristina, get down" so I'd go to my knees. " open your mouth" he would say so I would. He would then say very seriously " You are not an alien, you are human. This is Noah, I'm your friend. you are in your mommy's tummy here on earth. Do you know my voice? this is NOOAHHHH. OK" then he would pat my belly and run off. EVERY time I came over, that was the routine. I went back to work for them 2 weeks after Ryder was born so he basically spent the first 10 plus months over there. They were great with him. Totally protective and loved to show him off to their friends occationally calling him their "adopted" little brother. I had to explain nursing to them both too.. ugh. Luke, the oldest figured it out quickly, thought it was kind of gross but Noah, poor Noah couldn't really grasp it. Didnt understand why all Ryders wanted was milk and why he could drink form a sippy cup. He told me " When I was a baby, my mom didn't just give me milk. She had milk on one side and orange juice on the other." OHHHH I nearly peed myself when he told me that.

I really miss them. I have been keeping in touch with their mom and we decided that today, Ryder and I would suprise the boys for lunch at ST. Marks. It was so good to see them. I only got a picture of Luke and Christine (their mom) b/c I forgot I had my camera during Noahs lunch =( (the smear on Ryder's cheek is chocolate)

this is The Handy's .. my second family =) Cute aren't they??


Sue-Anne said...

Thats good that you had lunch with them, the little one looks so much bigger than I remember him being @the park

Breenette said...

What a beautiful family! I know that had to be really fun for you getting to see them and hang out with them for a little while. The mom does not look old enough to have two kids! Yowza! :)

Oh...and the talking to Ryder through your mouth cracked me up! At first I was thinking, "did she have a typo?" I thought you meant to say something else until you explained. haha

Miss you guys!