Oct 6, 2008

Copy Cat

Ryder is coming into the stage of copying. He tries to copy what we say and what he sees us do. Many mornings I will sit on the floor and blow dry my hair while he sits in front of me making faces and eating cereal. He sees my brushing my hair and I brush his hair after his baths so when every he sees my brush, if it is within his reach he will grab it and try to brush his hair. well, the other morning I was getting ready and noticed that it had become unusually quiet. immediately "where's Ryder" ran through my head. I turned around to find him on the bathroom floor with 3 TOOTH brushes in his hands brushing his hair. It was hilarous and he was so proud of himself. It took me a second to figure out where he found all the tooth brushes. He opened one of the drawers in the bathroom and found the baggies of new toothbrushes, opened it and proceeded to groom his hair and brush his teeth. I ran and grabbed the camera and was able to catch a few of these precious moments. You will also notice the baby monitor at his feet that he was previously walking around talking into it like a phone.

1 comment:

Sue-Anne said...

How cute! At least you wont have a hard time getting him to brush his teeth when he's older :-)