Sep 9, 2008


Ryder has a huge fascination with opening and closing doors. If there is an open door he has to open it a little further, then closes it. He walks away SO proud of himself with a big smile in search for the next open door. well within the last weeks he has discovered how to open the front door. AHHHH! I have always seemed to catch him before he gets it open far enough to get out but on more than one occation Jeremiah has caught him on the other side of the front door. He thinks its pretty cool that he can reach the door handle... so does Buddy (our 70lb dog)I on the other hand... am not incredibly excited about this accomplishment.

He may be on his tip-toes but... he can still reach!!!

1 comment:

christina said...

I just left and he already looks like a grown kid. Wow, I can't believe where he will be when I get home! Can you stop him? Thanks :)