Sep 8, 2008

Little Drummer boy

So the other night we went to Jeremiah's brother's to play games with him and his wife. Josh, Jeremiah's brother is a drummer and has a small drums set in their living room. While we were playing, Ryder kept eyeing the drum set and eventually put down his baby toys and got enough courage to go touch. being the brave little boy his is he began to grab the drum sticks and proceeded to drum around. Josh got up and set him on the drum stool and put the sticks in his hands the correct way and Ryder LOVED it. He actually did well for being 13 months and just had such a blast banging around... as you can see.
I'm hope this doesn't continue... I hoping he follows daddy's foot stepts and goes guitar =)


Olivia said...

awww, he is growing soo much and very adorable! i'm very glad that you going the blogging world! miss you tons! :)

Breenette said...

Yay for blogging! Seriously...these are great pictures! Looks like whether you like it or not you are going to have a little drummer on your hands. When he's famous these pics will be fun! ;)