Jun 16, 2009

Dr. Ryder Phillips

I love the sound of that! Although we will encourage and support Ryder in whatever the Lord leads him to be, you have to admit, the stethescope looks really cute on him =). And the t-shirt/no pants look does too (hehe)

I was listening to his lung sounds the other day and he decided he needed to check a few things out for himself.
Who: Dr. Ryder Phillips
Subjects: Buddy bear and the couch
Findings: a very sweet, calm and patient dog and a couch without a heart beat (who'd a thunk?)
Thank you Jesus for blessing us with such a wonderful son. He is such a joy and brings so many smiles and so much laughter into our life. Could not imagine life without him. He has a delightful, creative, kind and punky spirt who truely loves life and everyone around him. We love you Ryder.


christina said...

What a cutie pa tootie! That is pretty much the sweet thing ever- I can't wait to see this baby boy again!!!

Sue-Anne said...

He's so dang cute! I just love him so much!

Vegas Campise Crew said...

Well Mom and Dad, looks like there is another Baylor Bear on your hands. :) SIC 'EM!!!! He is precious you two! Sorry we weren't able to get together while I was in town. This was probably my most hectic trip yet. I promise when Christmas rolls around we will get together. I know Cadence would love to play with Ryder. Miss yall!