Mar 3, 2009

Potty training already?

Well, sort of. Ryder is 19 months old now (=O) Around 15 months he began not liking certain bodily stuff in his diaper and really, who can blam him? I wouldn't either. 9 times out of 10, he will come and tell us or our babysitter "poopoo?" or "potty?", we will sit him on the potty and he will do his thing. Fire works go off and we get all excited and flush and say "bye bye poopoo" and wave. Its actaully really gross the more I think about it but hey, it has already saved us quite a few diapers. No complaints there! I finally remembered to grab the camera on the way back and snapped a few pictures that I know he will just LOVE when he is older. But for right now, he is my baby and is becomming such a big boy.
PS. notice the peepee shield. lol. thats my favorite!


Sue-Anne said...

Yay Ryder!!! That is very Cool for ya'll

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Good job Ryder! Cadence will go for us sometimes but she doesn't want to stop playing to get the job done. Maybe some day she will finally be potty trained. You are lucky woman! Take care! Miss you!

Breenette said...

Yay big boy Ryder!! Shayna potty trained early too - Addison is barely interested at the moment but once she sits on the potty she is ready to get back up without doing anything.

christina said...

Who's this kid? And what did you do with my Ryder?!?
Can't believe how much he's grown- goodness!