Monday night it just hit me.... I feel really sick. I tried to tough it out in hopes that I could just sleep it off. No such luck. around 1130 I had to run to the bathroom where I spent the next 6 plus hours getting well aquainted with our toilet. (sorry, gross I know) I totally cleaned out all of my inners from top to bottom from the top and bottom. not cool. This blog post I am writing to Jeremiah. He was wonderful. Finially around 330 I called him into the bathroom and he brought me some Ice and something to quench my thirst, which I very quickly threw back up. Around 430, as Im curled over the toilet, he says "this looks familiar" (thinking she's gotta be pregnant!). For those who dont remember or didn't know me then, I spent all 38 weeks and 6 days next to any potty or sink I could find. I was pretty sure one of those times I was going to throw Ryder up. Anyway, I was quick to correct him and assure him this is a different kind of sick. He then, without complaining or saying a word, ran to 7/11 and got me some 7up, gatorade, and pepto yuck. The 7up was great the other 2, came up quicker than they went down. Although, the thought of pepto-bismal is enough to make me gag but I was desperate to get some releif. I was finially able to lay down about 530 as he was getting up and leaving to go workout. He kissed me on the check and out I went.
733 Ryder starts saying "mama....mama... out, mama, MAMA, MAMA OUT" I could hardly move I was still so sick and dehydrated. I managed to get myself out of bed, thank God the walls were there for me to catch myself from passing out. I was shaking so bad and was so weak I almost dropped Ryder =( I put him down and crawled back to the bathroom. Gagged a little grabbed my phone and Called Jeremiah. Without a complaint or anything he said "ok, I'll be right there". He ended up calling in to work and took care of Me and Ryder and cleaned the apartment! He was great. I love him so much and really didnt know he had it in him. Well, Iknew he did but bodily fluids aren't really his thing but he helped me so much. Thanks Jeremiah!
So today, Ryder and I drew him a picture.. see my little artist!! ( and all the poor baby acne from all his drool thanks to teething)
lets see, does it write on me?
"He-aw. Colaw." Translation: here, color.
say "Cheese"
All done! Great Job Rydes!
As for Jeremiah very sweet! As for Ryder very cute! As for you I hope you are feeling better =(
Ugh, sorry you were so sick! Thats awesome how Jeremiah stepped up and took care of you! What a great husband!! Hope youre back to feeling 100%!
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