Dec 5, 2008

Life needs to SLOOOOW down.

It feels like last Thanksgiving and Christmas was forever ago but somehow time just flew by. It doesnt make sense but it makes perfect sense. So much has happened since last holidays I just cant believe it. Ryder turned 5 months on Christmas day. He is now 16 months and such a little toddler. I love him so so much that words just can't explain it. He and Buddy play all the time. I found out the other day at work that the dog we found 16 months ago, Buddy, is worth a crap load of money and is one of the best dogs for kids. God is good.
Best Bud's

Work is going well, I think. More often than not I am very overwhelmed and "just run" goes across my thoughts but God has blessed me with absolutely AMAZING coworkers. They are so helpful and I hope someday soon I can be like them. I've been able to experience everything from good'ol natual childbirth, Emergency hysterectomys, uterine ruptures, uterine inversions, Fetal demies's, pregnant 14 year olds, ppl comeing in who are 35plus weeks and just found out they were pregnant (I had lots of questions for this individual. I dont understand how you don't know know your pregnant but oh well.) I have delivered 3 babies with my hands without a doctor. My favorite was when the lady came in at 509 and delivered at 511. we barly got her in the bed. it was a little intense. I have a few breech babies that had to go back for "urgent" c-sections. Many of my pts have told me I'm their favorite nurse and that helps so much. I love being able to bond with some of them and really be apart of their babies delivery. Last month they said we delivered 500 babies and that was sort of low. my eyes got a little big b/c I thought we were pretty busy. Shows how much I know. There are now 11 nurses that are pregant... must be in the water or something. DONT DRINK THE WATER!! j/k.


Jo Brock said...

Wow, what an exciting job! Where do you work? Whenever we have another baby...don't know when that will be...I would love for you to be my nurse...I guess the chances of that aren't very high, but that would be cool!

Kristina said...

I'm a labor and delivery nurse at Presby Dallas. I started in June so i'm still very fresh =)