Oct 9, 2008

Ryders Surgery Part 2 (its a long blog.. be warned)

We have been waiting for a couple of months for today to get here, Finally.... its here. We tried to get everything together last night so that we could just get up and leave. The alarm went off at 5 (I absolutely REFUSE to get up before 5 am. anything starting with a 4 is just waaaaay to early for me.). Any way the alarm went off we slowly got around and managed to leave about 540. We arrived at Presby Plano at 6 and got checked in.

(looks like a cage... scarry)

Poor Ryder, he was so tired not to mention thirsty and hungry but he was such a little trooper. They brought us back to the preop room and gave him this tiny little hospital gown (see below, its adorable) and told us the anesthesiologist and Dr. would be in soon. Well, when cranky, tired, hungry Ryder is here, soon seems to take forever. Jeremiah walked with him around the hall. He looked at all the cool lights and stuff around the room, played with the curtain and played with gloves, ya know, pretty much anything we could come up with to distract him until "soon" came.

Such a good daddy

Finally the much anticipated doctors arrived and gave him some loopy medicine to make him forget things and calm him down for when they took him from us to the OR. soon he became all giggles and was giving such good Ryder kisses and was on cloud 9 (where ever that is). Then the dreaded moment came when the dr picked him up and said "ok, say good bye to mommy and daddy." Of course Ryder was all about laughing and giving kisses and was clueless as to what was going on and I was all about holding back tears. It was really hard watching them carry him off down the hall. He just looked like such a little boy in this big doctors arms and all of a sudden they turned the corner and were gone. I looked at Jeremiah and we both kind of had the same look... should we run after them? Obviously we didn't but having one more hug and kiss would have been nice. While they were back prepping him, Jeremiah and I made a quick run to Mc'D's, grabbed some breakfast to go and quickly made our way back to the waiting room to wait for any news. We managed to watch a few episodes of Fresh prince and ER. ER was probably not a good choice today, little kids dying... not good. I forgot how long waiting can be. We finally got the call, a little over 2 hours later, that they were heading to recovery so we quickly grabbed all our stuff to meet them. We were originally told that only one parent could come to recovery. GAY! We were both nervous/frustrated at that. we both wanted to go back to see him when he woke up and we needed each other for support while we were back there. Thank God, they let both of us go back.

When we walked in he was in a nurses arms in a rocking chair drinking sugar water.. they said he was hungry. the Dr's told us that the one hernia was bigger than they thought and they found another one on the other side so the poor little guy has 2 incisions. He looked really tired and like he was in pain. they assured me he wasn't but I assured them he was. After a while they finally believed me (after he kept crying and squirming and crying and crying and moving his legs which they also said he would NOT be able to do. hmmmmm, little frustrated.)
We went back to our preop room for more observation and they gave him some more pain meds b/c he was inconsolable. Terribly hard for a mother to watch her child in pain and not be able to do anything about it. Finally the meds kicked in an he dosed in and out in my arms. THEN out of the blue bam he through up all over me, the blankets the floor, the chair. Like, allll of the juice and then some we had given him to help calm him. it was gross. Jeremiah was freaking out almost throwing up himself. needless to say, Ryder felt better. I laid him in his bed and he slept some more while we cleaned up. 30 min later we were discharged home. yay! he slept the whole way home and has been sleeping in and out all afternoon. Poor guy, he just lays there, whimpers every once in a while then his eyes get really heavy and out he goes again. good drugs i guess.

I am so thankful for technology today, and the Drs ability to do these procedures. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray that he heals. He cant walk yet. The doctor said not to let him cough a lot.. ummm how in the world do you tell a 14month old not to cough??? oh well, He's a good sport and a little grown up baby now.

I gave him my phone to play with (after all the good pain meds kicked in and he was loving it)


Anonymous said...

OH my gosh! I had no idea yall were going through this. I am sooooo sorry to hear this but I am soooo happy that he is ok! Praise God for taking care of that precious angel! Yall are in our prayers in Vegas. Love yall and give that angel a hug from me!

Jonna said...

So glad it went well and you're back at home!!! Bless his little heart...what a trooper!

Sue-Anne said...

I am so happy that he is okay. I was worried about him all morning. Zachary prayed for him @ dinner time last night:-) Poor little guy,he's got 2 "battle wounds" and he's only 14 months. We love you little man.

Lindsay said...

I didnt realize Ryder had to have that surgery. Poor little guy. Ava (our middle) had to have that too. (for an inguinal (sp?) hernia, right?) Rare for a girl, I know. She was around 20 mos when she got hers repaired. It is so scary "handing" your baby over to someone else. That was Ava's 3rd surgery so far in her life though. Anyways, glad to see he did well! Hopefully its a quick recovery. Ava was up running around the same night of surgery (eventhough we were instructed to keep her still, if you know Ava you know that didnt happen, lol) Im interested to know how yall discovered he had the hernia. THe discovery of Ava's was probably one of the worst events of my life.

christina said...

I didn't know about his surgery. Good grief that must have been traumatic for you and Miah! I can't imagine...it has been hard enough with my mom. Thanks for praying for me. I will be praying for you guys! How's the Ryd doing now?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that everything went well! He is absolutely adorable, by the way. I'm happy the job is going well for you and I miss you guys so much. It's fun to keep up on what's going on in your life :)

Senter Girl said...

I'm so sorry for not calling or even stopping by. I feel bad for the little guy, but I did hear he got his "belly button" taken care of too...when he's older he'll know it was all worth it. :)